State FFA Convention
June 6 - 9, 2022
NDSU - Fargo, ND
FFA has an award to match almost any member's unique talents and interests. Through award programs members gain the skills and confidence needed to succeed in all aspects of life.

Individual Awards
North Dakota FFA Agriscience Fair is a competition for FFA members who are interested in the science and technology of agriculture. Students can compete in the agriscience fair in one of six categories; animal systems; environmental services/natural resources systems; food products and processing systems plant systems; power, structural and technical systems; or social systems.
The Agricultural Proficiency Awards honor FFA member who, through the SAEs, have developed specialized skills that they can apply towards their future careers. Students can compete for awards in 47 areas covering everything from Agricultural Communications to Wildlife Management. Each award area also has two categories, placement and entrepreneurship.
An outstanding ND FFA member applying for the State Degree can be presented a ND Star Award based on an exceptional Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program and FFA involvement. There are four award areas that reflect the diversification of the SAE programs and FFA member populations in ND. Members must apply for the State Degree and Star Award in the same year.
Individual Degrees
FFA has a dynamic degree system that rewards student's achievement as they progress in their leadership, interpersonal and professional skills. Students can begin their journey at the chapter level with:
They can then apply for a State FFA Degree from the state association, and finally work toward the coveted American FFA Degree after graduating from high school.
Chapter Awards
Food for America is an award program focusing on agricultural literacy in elementary schools and communities. It is a program developed to assist FFA members and all agricultural education students in leadership skill development as they reach out to youth, peers and their entire communities by sharing the world of agriculture. Chapters can apply to be recognized as ND's Outstanding Food for America Chapter by completing this form.
The National Chapter Award Program is designed to recognize FFA chapters that actively implement the mission and strategies of the organization. These chapters improve chapter operations using the National Quality Chapter Standards (NQCS) and a Program of Activities (POA) that emphasize growing leaders, building communities and strengthening agriculture. Chapters are rewarded for providing educational experiences for the entire membership.
The purpose of this degree program is to recognize individuals who have provided exceptional service on the state level to agriculture, agricultural education, or FFA. You may nominate individuals for this recognition using this form. Please submit completed form to Nikki Fideldy-Doll at For past winners, click here.
Questions? Contact your local FFA advisor for more information.
Contact North Dakota FFA Association for State and American degree information.
Special Degrees and Awards for Non-Members