ND FFA Leadership Conference
Leadership Conference
September 28-29, 2024
Bismarck Event Center
Registration Fee:
Advisors/Bus Drivers/Chaperones: $20.00
Students: $65.00
Registration Deadline: Monday, September 16th
Students must be on the National FFA Roster and have a waiver completed in AET prior to registration.
101 Conference: (Grades 7-9): This conference is put on by the ND FFA State Officer team for FFA members. It will focus on developing their leadership, etiquette and FFA knowledge.
Blue Conference: (Grades 10-11): This conference will focus on the basic elements of teamwork. YourNextSpeaker, LLC, based in Oklahoma, will lead the training. These highly trained, professional speakers have spent thousands of hours in front of FFA members and will provide an engaging, interactive, content-focused and meaningful conference experience. The content will be based on the 10 Techniques to Help Your Teams Work curriculum authored by Rhett Laubach, Professional Speaker and Owner of YourNextSpeaker, LLC. This curriculum includes applicable team building lessons that members can use in both their personal and educational experiences.
Gold Conference: (Grades 11-12): This conference will focus on the advanced elements of teamwork; including specific ideas applicable for any chapter officers attending the conference. YourNextSpeaker, LLC, based in Oklahoma, will lead the training. These highly trained, professional speakers have spent thousands of hours in front of FFA members and will provide an equal mix of small group discussion, lesson processing from lecture moments and hands-on, "Doing to Learn" activities. The teamwork lessons will include advanced techniques for how to both maximize contributions to teams the members are on today and in the future, as well as how to serve and help teammates do the same.
Aspire Conference: State Officer Candidates: (Grade 12): This new conference is designed for seniors that might have an interest in running for state officer at the upcoming State Convention. Students will need to fill out an extra application for as we are going to limit this conference to 40 individuals. This exclusive event will be facilitated by former state officers and will also have the students working as team leaders with the 101 conferences/food packaging event. They will learn about the running process as well as learn employability skills through workshops and facilitation. Those seniors that are not selected from their application will be placed down into the Blue Conference for participation.